People of Grace
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- Twitter @MikeHovland (an Elder of GraceLife Church)
- Instagram @erincoates80 (Pastor James’ wife)
- Facebook Stuff Kenney Said (a GLC member’s ongoing reflections on the Alberta Premier)
DISCLAIMER: The opinions in each blog post do not necessarily represent the views of the other contributors. (In other words, each team member takes full blame for his own ideas.)
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GraceLife Church
General Information about GraceLife Church
The following is only a brief and extremely truncated summary of GraceLife’s doctrinal stances. These have been chosen to display here to highlight certain aspects of GraceLife that are particularly visible during this disturbing period of Canadian history.
For more and expanded information, please visit the GraceLife Church “What We Teach: Our Doctrinal Statement” page (link) and the “Core Principles” page (link) and the “Church Bylaws” page (link).
James Coates
James Coates is the Pastor-Teacher of GraceLife Church of Edmonton (details below). He is a husband and a father; he is also Pastor, mentor, friend, and dear brother in Christ to everyone in GraceLife Church.
James is a graduate of the Master’s Seminary which is located in Los Angeles, California. James has also graduated from the Master’s Seminary’s Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching program, earning him a doctorate in the same.
James has preached well over 400 recorded sermons at GraceLife Church since 2010, not including additional messages which have not been recorded. Over the last decade, Pastor James has served GraceLife Church in innumerable ways outside of his pulpit ministry:
- Conducting weddings
- Overseeing memorials
- Providing oversight and guidance toward several ministries beyond his own teaching role, including men’s, women’s, youth, music, and much more.
Like every Elder and prospective Elder in GraceLife Church, James Coates fulfills each of the biblical requirements for his role. Anyone who spends any length of time with James Coates quickly realizes that his conviction as a Pastor runs deep, and he handles his roles and responsibilities with the utmost integrity and diligence. Why? Because James Coates knows who his Master is and strives to serve that Master, Jesus Christ, with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength as is appropriate.
Why These Sermons Matter
Scripture instructs that everything we do should be for God’s glory.
God’s Word proclaims the Church is the pillar and support of the truth (1 Tim. 3:15) and it exists to display His manifold wisdom (Eph. 3:10). The application of that truth and wisdom is not restricted merely to Christians. Though Christians are those who recognize God’s absolute truth as revealed in his Word (Acts 4:19, 5:29), that truth communicates to all people – even to those who do not recognize or share the same belief as Christians (Acts 17:30-31).
Why? Because God’s revelation of himself applies to all of His creation (Rom. 1:18-23).
Scripture also proclaims God’s purpose and plan for all created beings, salvifically believing or not (Isa. 46:8-11). Many professing Christians have considered the Bible simply as a source of personal benefit for their faith in Christ (2 Pet. 2:3). Yet, the Bible is much further encompassing than that.
Scripture speaks to every spectrum of God’s creation, including God’s established purposes for the family, the Church and the government. Therefore, we must ensure we take every necessary step to rightly divide the Word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15) to draw out the full counsel of God (Acts 20:27) on these matters. Doing so will help us properly understand what God says regarding each of these institutions and will prepare us to authoritatively proclaim (Luke 4:32) what God’s design and purpose are for each. The more care we take to faithfully represent what His Word says, explicitly and implicitly, the more He is glorified in this world and His people.
One facet of Scripture in which many of us lack a thorough, biblical understanding, is God’s role and purpose for government.
This has led to much confusion in these dark days. We hold out these particular sermons because we believe they help reveal what God’s Word says regarding the government’s authority and the Christian’s relationship towards that authority.
God’s truth has a sanctifying (purifying) work in the life of the believer. Our prayer is that you would grow in your understanding of God’s Word about these matters. We pray you will desire to see God glorified through the proclamation of His Word as we apply its truth more and more to our daily lives.
Playlist of Sermons
Here’s a link to the official public statement of the Elders of GraceLife Church regarding the so-called pandemic and the government response to it:
From Grace Community Church
From Frankfurt Evangelical Reformed Baptist Church