Featured Prose
Another casualty of 2020
I was recently made aware of the passing of a former schoolmate from Junior High. We attended the same grade and had some common friends, but we were not personally close.
Featured Poems

Current Events: Ideology
There is a war going on outside A struggle for many lives Many in it have died The congo and night of long knives
The Doctrines of (G)RACE
GOD ELECTS AND REJECTS: the undeserving on the left, to the right the deserving...no less.
Current Events: Time
Consider this poem as a paragraph taken from a journal in which I am writing down my thoughts on current events.
(Written on a mangy piece of paper that on the flipside contained this alliteration, "The Preeminent Prince of Peace powerfully pursues His people providentially producing proper positional predestined pleasantness." Circa 2013) Lay down the ancient foundation, Jesus Christ the Elect. That precious Stone. Behold His glory! Rejected by the builders,
Black Gold
The smell of black gold and open air is a thing in common with over there. I have here a gem for heaven I'll bring into that city fair! In streets of clear gold, I'll have black, brought from here without looking back. All enjoyed to the glory of God-
Flesh Hiccups
The flesh just won't go away; it feels so close when at bay. With a bubble and pop my flesh just hiccups and my heart guiltily throbs away.
Special Revelation
Revelation is God's condescension to have face-to-face friendship with His image bearers. It's an act of divine fellowship, and as the creature readily receives it it's an act of worship. But now sin disturbed this. So God's revelatory acts have a dual purpose: on the one hand, wrath, on the
"At least look good before you die," says the world to its kinsmen. "We have here no lasting kingdom."
Grace Slighted
Has the hour passed by unyielding, when you could have closed with Christ?
Quest for Purity
Who were the Puritans? They were heavenly minded, and thus, earthly good.