Featured Prose
The Incarnation and the Humility of God
The Humility of Christ in the Incarnation The message of Christmas, of the Incarnation of Christ, is a story of great humility. The Incarnation of Christ was the “in-fleshment” of the Son of God, the
Featured Poems
The Power of God
Who is like You, O Lord? Awesome in power! You made exist the world, made it hang on Your word,
The Hypostatic Union Hymn
God has come down to men To mediate for them. He didn't break but bend. Not to tear but to
What scene can't she capture with her pencil and art? She draws green and azure, the whole from the part.

This Must Be Heaven
If I could love Him with all the powers of my mindand gaze on Him without constraint of time,hidden in the infinite recesses of eternityburied under the magnitude of infinity. There I'd peacefully slip away unneeded, consult the vastest intellect with reasoncombined with grace, justice, and wisdom,and bow to His beatific
Young, Restless, and Remonstrant
Arminians in 1610: Here are my five points against the Dutch, five protests to what the Reformed teach and such. FIRST, this notion that you're chosen, is that supposed to keep us from boasting? I can't tolerate such caricature of God, as if He's sovereign and we're not! I could
A Poeticatechism
About 5 years ago I wrote a rhyming catechism for my children to memorize, and they have done a good job of it. For a time, though, I have been discontent with its lack of uniform meter. So, with trepidation, I put pen to paper to "reform" the old one
Mind, the, T! What is up with thee? We all have Total Depravity. Ever since Adam ate from the tree a scar is left in humanity. We're walking dead, a worldly course, cuz from God's life we've been divorced. We have no life, and born with guilt, obliged to pay,
11th Anniversary Retrospect
Time flies like an arrow to its mark, and our quiver holds one hand full. Its like yesterday we disembarked, didn't think it would speed up at all. Time seemed still for a while, still does, till pictures bring betrayals, details, blessings, the memories God gives us, us - one
Is This All in Vain?
Years gone, yet frozen in time Seeking for things done That which is mine Trying to forget the root Which is my present crime holding my glassy flute I enter the shrine I am a player who has paid the price I have seen the danger and wanted out But
This is just psychology, staring at me stare at me, mirror full of empathy, mirror that is empty. People think some really twisted things when lack of sleep is applied to their brains, when at night they hear the memory of screams, and think they're near, invading their dreams. Real
The Light Came Down
In the beginning, was the Light. But all was dark and cold. At the beginning for His delight, He summoned sky, ocean, valley and wold. For the beginning was the night, When the Light started the world. The cold and darkness whisked away, That we may behold the first of
He alone can separatethe wheat from the reprobate,bring the wicked to their fate,all whose lust they aggravate. Let them grow now, let them wait,reapers will unveil the blade.They cause sin, His laws they break.Hell is what they can't escape.On that Day, the aggregateof sinners will evaporate,in a fire, a fire
Disapproved, debased mind; dishonorable, defiling passions. These things biblically define what's inside gays n' lesbians. God offers undeniable proof of His immortal existence, but they suppress, exchange the truth and exchange natural relations. Though intuitively known, God's righteous law embedded, they proudly approve their own - death is where they're