When it comes to the last letter of Scripture
all would agree that it has these features:

Prologue, seven letters, throne vision,
one scroll, six seals, intermission,
last seal, seven angels prepared to blow,
six trumpets, two woes,
open scroll, intermission,
last blast, third woe, God’s kingdom.
Seed of the woman, crushed serpent,
reason for tension, that’s the point.
Dragon’s defeat spawns two beasts,
Lamb in lead, three warnings, time to reap.
Seven bowls till God’s wrath is ended,
focus lens on Babylon extended.
Against the whore the Bride made ready,
Christ destroys all of His enemies.
Satan bound, first resurrection,
Satan loosed, fire from heaven.
Great white throne, second death,
New Jerusalem, heaven, and earth.
Blessings, curses, closing thoughts-

But when it comes to its interpretation
variety is as wide as the congregation.
But I hope to give a healthy demonstration
of a view that’s worth propagation.
First, let me lay down some basics,
but, I warn you, it might feel like a face lift:

The author is John the elder or apostle,
author of three letters and a gospel.
This letter is last redemptive historically,
and is a symbolic apocalyptic prophecy;
so it uses the Old Testament extensively
with Christologically updated lenses, see?
Its immediate audience was seven churches
with its contents intended “for the churches.”
There is a blessing, not just to the one who reads,
but who, its words, one keeps
(More than avoiding more or less verses,
it means obeying this vision to the churches!).
This book is not sealed unlike Daniel the ancient,
it is taking place as you open the pages.
Its date is not as important as its message is,
logic allows early-Futurists, late-Preterists.
Its theme is a dramatic, climactic exodus
number two, from this world to the next,
as true Israelites flee from deception
and escape death by resurrection.
Its purpose is to shock sleeping churches
at what’s lurking beneath the surface,
so that we won’t tolerate the Babylonian,
because in exile we’re owned by Him.
Its promises are to those who overcome
its threats are to those who are succumb.

Now, with all this letter’s controversy,
I must ask you only questions that are worthy.
Let’s consider in very practical terms,
how do we normally choose our words?:

Which of these befits gospel wisdom?
“After the rapture but before the kingdom,
you can believe through the 144,000’s mission!”
Or, “Not all will perish upon the coming kingdom,
so you might repent if you see that vision!”
These represent forms of Premillennialism
(if completely truthful in the situation given).
Is not biblical, historic, normal evangelism
retained and expressed in Amillennialism?:
“When Christ no longer remains hidden,
but descends with angels, the dead risen,
then all the wicked will burn like Hinnom
without another chance for decision!”
In theory lots hold to Premillennialism,
but its practical Amillennialism.

Now, do we shy away from applying these pages,
even if we think its not for many days yet?

No, we comfort the mourning by quoting
verse thirteen of chapter fourteen,
or we claim 12:11 for ourselves
rather than leaving it on the shelf.
People see signs from the sixth or ninth chapter-
But aren’t those things supposed to follow the rapture?
Or, chapter 20 is used to talk about “Judgment day”-
But isn’t that two or three “judgments” away?
In theory lots hold to Premillennialism,
but its practical Amillennialism.

Lastly, when it comes to interpreting symbolism,
did we trade the New Testament for literalism?

God, Christ, and the church are the temple,
saints has always designated His holy people;
the word “the” is repeated, yes, but so is “seven,”
more than any number so its worth attention;
each player is painted with truth previously stated:
Bride versus whore, Man against beast, God versus Satan,
His name inscribed (like Deuteronomy six),
or the beast’s number 666.
When we see that there’s two resurrections,
do we use the same rules for the new heavens?:
since in the same context it depicts first as old,
and second as new, hence the consummate goal,
the first resurrection is therefore not the ultimate-
and the NT doesn’t gear us up for the penultimate.
In theory lots hold to progressive revelation,
but not when it comes to the book of Revelation.

When it comes to the last letter of Scripture,
believers have to keep one thing clear:

Be gracious with those whom you differ.
On some points I have been stiffer.
But in all I do it with love to you, reader.
What matters most is that you’re a believer.
But I have still raised some good questions,
because this letter is worth defending.