In You I trust, Father, I know You to be true.
Your word can and has and, I trust, will still conquer this backward heart and mind.
Make me repose upon Christ always,
lean against His bosom, sense the spiritual communion in Him.
Make me to have great joy in Your glory,
immediate love at the call to action,
to never fret or resist Your inner promptings,
but joyously and gratefully comply without hesitation.
Make my heart a holy haven, a hearth where warm fires burn sweet incense,
make me feel a love for Jesus.
Put to shame and put down all daring willfulness,
and instill in my heart the right posture.

This is the way of Jesus, our great Brother,
in season and out of season, whether clothed or naked.
May I rejoice like Him in the Holy Spirit,
count Your will my food and drink- my hidden manna,
direct all glory to You, commit my whole self to You.
Bring me to a clearer vision of Jesus,
a near union and communion with Him,
for He is my chief end, glory, joy, companion, friend, Lord, and Savior.
