With what do you make a vaccine?
Babies chopped up in a can.
The doctors, so wise,
they “immortalize”
cells that just last their life span.
With what do you make a vaccine?
Thimerosal (that’s mercury).
The doctors, so wise,
cause those lazy eyes,
seizures, autism, A.D.D.
With what do you make a vaccine?
Aluminum, of course, you dummies.
The doctors, so wise,
use neurotoxins – aye! –
cause autoimmune disease.
But why do you make a vaccine?
Because it rakes in the “green.”
The doctors, so wise,
it is no surprise,
are a part of “the world” machine.
Then how do you sell a vaccine?
Plaster it on every screen.
The doctors, so wise,
use guilt and lies,
to make you feel bad then agree.
How are they still on the scene?
They’ve “account-immunity.”
The doctors, so wise,
have lawyers that lie,
are loath to pay money to thee.
How should I protect family?
Don’t ever get a vaccine.
The doctors, surprised,
will call you (so wise).
Don’t answer the call or agree.
Will that protect society?
Yes, better, than any vaccine.
The doctors, so wise,
sew dangerous lies
that cause many vax injuries.
But, why do I hate vaccines?
I hate murder and love all babies.
The doctors, so wise,
have fed me their lie.
We have needless, not needle-less injuries!