Featured Prose
Featured Poems

Satan’s Syncretism System
To quote the cardboard signs: "The end is near!" But this is not a warning or for hope or for fear. To quote the popular worldly proverb: "It is what it is."
Emma Hart as Circe
A poem inspired by George Romney's painting "Emma Hart as Circe".
Logic, Rhetoric, Apocalyptic Pt. 3: Law and Gospel
In Galatians Paul constantly puts circumcision with law: the side of the present evil age Jesus saves us from; the side bound by flesh, slavery, and imprisonment.
Ermea and Festus: Slavery
This is the 7th poem of a 10 parts fantastic story about elves, men and other magical creatures called "Festus and Ermea". The overall story has some time jump. This one takes place in the present, following the adventures of Festus.
The Escape at Midnight
The moon gleamed down on the dusty road As he rode down to the glade And at his side though his cloak did hide There hung a shining blad
The Spaceman: The Great War
And the story continues...The Spaceman part 4 focus on the effect of Arthiom's fall.
Ermea and Festus: Rehema’s Emerald
This is the sith poem of a 10 parts fantastic story about elves, men and other magical creatures called "Festus and Ermea". The overall story has some time jump. This one takes place in the past, and chronological the second one.
The Spaceman: The Triumvirate
Rome has seen 2 sets of Triumvirate...it would be interesting to explore the idea from the infinite.
Saturday’s Rest: The Sound of Hatred
The Saturday between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday has a connection to the Flood in Noah's days.
Servant Pt 2: Glory
Is there still hope for ethnic Israel? How can it be when all is not well? ''By His knowledge'': the good news (Is 53:11) that ''God reigns'' in Isaiah 52, (Is 52:7) ironically fulfilled in Isaiah 53- ''before honor comes humility.'' (Prov 15:33; 18:14) Through anguish He would see His seed