
Featured Prose

Featured Poems

Ermea and Festus: La Fauna

This is the fith poem of a 10 parts fantastic story about elves, men and other magical creatures called "Festus and Ermea". The overall story has some time jump. This one takes place in the past, and chronological the first one.

Welcome Spring

Welcome spring thou flowering fairy Sing to us thy pleasant song Call softly here So calling near The warm embrace Of earth’s pale face And farewell of the winter long

Ermea and Festus: Festus

This is the fourth poem of a 10 parts fantastic story about elves, men and other magical creatures called "Festus and Ermea". The overall story has some time jump. This one takes place in the present, directly following the events of "Roma After Dark"

Aware before you’re there

"It's not the parts of the Bible that I don't understand that bother me, it's the parts I do understand." -Mark Twain. "I wasted time, and now time doth waste me." - Shakespeare. "I do not believe in a fate that will fall on us no matter what we do; I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing." - Ronald Reagan. All examples of chiasmus.