Featured Prose
Featured Poems

A Cross Tick
The General Is Not Special
Through General Revelation God reveals himself in nature and all creation, but that is not sufficient for salvation, one most be exposed to the Special Revelation.
Recapitulation of Sin
Think about what sin is and why it exists until you understand it, then repent of it and cling to Jesus Christ for salvation from sin.
You have His ear
The omnipotent, omniscient God of the universe wants to listen to His children. Come before Him in prayer, dear Christian; He is listening.
So Dark a Night
A poem by Leah G. A beautiful reflection on Christ' sacrifice for us.
When Death Stings
I could not see for all the smoke ascending, nor make out a peculiar voice. No beloved known. No one new befriending. All that has now ended. Death. Awful, black, curdling death... is around me, is above me, is below me, is in me. What can I even say? Only
If Music Be Food For Life…
The struggle of a musician who is trying to play a song that is not his to play.
Fate of the Faithless
Hell is mocked most strongly by those who will hate to be there. Consider the kind offer of salvation from Jesus Christ while there is time.
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Truth about the resurrection is not just theological. It's a moment in history that actually happened.