Idolatry and adultery are not so far from each other.
Its the substitution of the Fountain of living waters
for broken cisterns – absolutely useless –
or your fountain of youth for mere illusions.
They go hand in hand, both using images,
and excite your expectations and ambitions.
Once allured by the promise of gratification
and falling, you soon realize your over-estimation.
Guilt blares in the soul, bad seeds in the soil,
you try to erase the image and sweat in the toil.
Incense has been dropped and the smell lingers,
a choking smoke that ensures your prayer’s hindered.
Do you see that unfaithfulness to God is adultery?
Do you not see that sexual sin is idolatry?
Culture aggressively seeks to displace the Head
and defile the sacred space of the marriage bed,
like Canaanite practices of cult prostitution
or a Corinthian woman’s doorstep-sex-proposition.
Images fill each screen to seduce men virtually
into thinking casually about sexual impurity,
so the one who regularly engages in porn
has been playing the game as Satan’s pawn.
He’s been strategically using you to checkmate:
assault the glory of God and your breath take.
How long will you tolerate that woman Jezebel?
It’ll be too late when you wake up and you’re in hell.
Do you see that unfaithfulness to God is adultery?
Do you not see that sexual sin is idolatry?