O Sir. Edwin, so pure, handsome and brave

A knight of the holiest order
A child of the godliest order
He will be populating the grave
With a red-crossed tabard as story
And a sword to bring eternal salary
Expand the Christian’s border!
And purge from us this crescent order
To Jerusalem! They all cried
Young and old, they followed their pride
Orphans and widows, they all cried

Walk, climb, pray and pay

Your salvation earned in a day
Go on a journey to visit His tombs
Collect relics from their wounds
Visit the holy city to kiss the father
For you have made him your caller
At the end of the day you will look back
And wonder if you could have done more
Questioning if you are still in the dark
Or have finally opened the door
To Rome! They all cried
Young and old, they followed their pride
Orphans and widows, they all cried

For by Grace through faith we have been saved
Not of any roads or journey that we have paved

-Benny Kiza