O LORD,  gracious Master,
set upon the everlasting salvation, felicity, blessedness, and joy of the soul
of my descendants.
Make all my family the partakers of the divine nature, give grace and glory.
Set up a Bethel in this house and household,
set watchmen upon our walls,
hem them in for Salvation, and may our gates be Praise.
Please deal well with Your servant and his flock, his little Israel.
Make of these hearts Your own special treasure, and write Your fair and holy law there,
shake their pride before the universe is shaken and bring them into that kingdom of light that cannot be shaken.
Quicken, renew , subdue, and enlighten them,
breathe that breath of heavenly life into them,
invigorate them, Heavenly Dove,
give life and breath and all things from above.

Keep them from all evil impulses,
and imbue with new life and a new habit for holy living,
act in their souls for holy acts, mold them in Your image.
Would that they were altogether taken up with Christ and His life, love, religion,
venturing all upon His righteousness for a right position,
not at all content with their natural freedom (which is a natural slavery),
but resigned to have You lead them!
In Your light may they see light,
and for freedom be set free by Christ.
O Master, please be so liberal with Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus for me and mine.
