Every Eye
The sight. The brightness of His coming. Shepherd, King.
The sight. The brightness of His coming. Shepherd, King.
How fast can the humming bird flap it's wings? And what is the rate and rhythm at which the sparrow sings?
Is there still hope for ethnic Israel? How can it be when all is not well? ''By His knowledge'': the good news (Is 53:11) that ''God reigns'' in Isaiah 52, (Is 52:7) ironically fulfilled in Isaiah 53- ''before honor comes humility.'' (Prov 15:33; 18:14) Through anguish He would see His seed (Is 53:10) promised (in Him)
What do you or I know of humility? We know of this simply because the infinite God condescended to our level. He came to the earth to shake heaven and hell.
No jury needed to convince or sway, because the Judge knows without a reasonable doubt that the one defendant is guilty.
Jesus is Lord and Last Adam according to Paul. Jesus fulfilled the pattern according to Paul.
Like the flies that gather around the dung, so are the deceived that feed on false teaching.
The trail of blood starts outside Eden running from Abel to Zechariah, even to the foot of a Roman cross on Golgotha, "the place of a skull"- the great massacre.
What if God was your boss?
Christ will descend with all of His angels, and consign the lost with the devil and his angels to permanent exile