
Featured Prose

Featured Poems

A Godly Wife

How can a man be given a good and faithful wife, and return to her, even one day, never mind a life? How delicately to carry this fine vessel of clay; to leave all to marry and hold dear all the way! Infatuation was led by desire, but love stuck


Thlipsis: Renewed hatred, Idolatrous worship, Bent on death, Unorthodox, Lawlessness. Already- The Man of Sin In lies and death. Omnipresent- Not yet. Revelation 1:9- "I, John, your brother and partner in the tribulation and the kingdom and the patient endurance that are in Jesus..." Revelation 2:9, 10- "I [Jesus] know

Wilderness and Witness

How long O Lord before you kill these people the things they say and do are so sinful. Deep in the dark they lurk as if to cover up their deep rooted hatred for one another. They keep coming to hear the same things? 'Why," I ask, "when you wont

The King

Anyone could tread on the King's court as he pleased, there was no royal carpet to roll on the floor. As One entered some bowed to their knees, but we thought Him a jester by the clothes He wore, less taste than us and ignorant in speech. He carried on