If I could love Him with all the powers of my mind
and gaze on Him without constraint of time,
hidden in the infinite recesses of eternity
buried under the magnitude of infinity.

There I’d peacefully slip away unneeded, 
consult the vastest intellect with reason
combined with grace, justice, and wisdom,
and bow to His beatific vision.

If I could breathe when at first our eyes meet,
it would detract from the desired treat.
In that moment my faith becomes sight
beholding His beauty will put it all right.

A life spent but somewhat lacking,
His voice will remind me why it happened;
sitting with One who knows all things,
who loved me and saved me from everything.

“Lord, I am unworthy of your least love,
and here I am in heaven above!
Why would you love a sinner like me?
I will love you to all eternity!”