Featured Prose
Featured Poems

In the Year That King Uzziah Died
In the year that king Uzziah died, The King lives.
Death of the Old Man, with thanks
The greatest things that has ever happened to a human being.
Are You Not Entertained?
The end of entertainment for a lover it.
Ermea and Festus: Roma after Dark
Roma After Dark is the second poem of a 10 parts fantastic story about elves, men and other magical creatures. The overall story has some time jumps. This poems introduces the character of Festus, his entire character arch will take place in the present time.
George Wishart
George Wishart was a Scottish Protestant reformer. Burnt at the stake in 1546
“Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes”
We laugh at the Trojans' defeat at the hand of the Greeks...but never consider ourselves in their shoes.
Look At a Hill
A call to mortify the flesh in us.
Rest Assured for His love endures
Rest in God, He is good and His love endures forever.
Ermea and Festus: Ermea
Ermea is the first poem of a 10 parts fantastic story about elves, men and other mystical creatures called "Festus and Ermea". The overall story contains time jumps. This poem takes place in the present, but her entire character arch will take place in the past.
“Nikolai II: The last Romanov”
The story of the man who was in power in Russia during WW1. The end of the Romanov Dynasty.