
Featured Prose

The song of the orphan

Ireland~800 AD The rich, melodious voices rose up together in unison. The high vaulted stone walls echoed and rebounded the graceful song. In the church, hundreds of candles lighted the vaulted chamber giving it a holy, almost ethereal beauty. One by one, the hooded monks walked slowly into the chapel, their chant filling the air.

Featured Poems


God's revelation, a closed bud- until the Son come. Now it is an open rose bud. See the full blossom!


The sea is wide and blue as a summer sky As tempest blows afresh The wind! Oh wind, blows high!


One day, probably sooner than any of us realize, time will literally be out. Repent and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


I sin with my soul almost more than any member, though Gnostics disagree I get displaced affections. Don't hide behind the lie like you don't empathize with my sinful condition when I can see it in your eyes we're in need of greater salvation. Like most Christians I'm afraid to reveal the