Featured Prose
Featured Poems

A raw take on the struggle that goes in the mind of the procrastinator (yours truly) when faced with the consequences of his procrastination.
Radix In Flore (Root In Bloom) Pt.9
Christ will descend with all of His angels, and consign the lost with the devil and his angels to permanent exile
The Cities of the Nations
Long have men built their city. Long have I drawn out My pity. Living different periods, countries, filling out determined boundaries. They will say from so-called shelter "I will still build, bigger, better-" And I will answer, "No." The cities of the nations fall! Mountains, rocks they will call! I will shake their bricks and mortar,
The Mystery
That I should carry, The Messiah; the One who had created me, Was more, Than I could fathom or assimilate.
Plea, Promise, Rejection, Salvation; Plea, Promise, Salvation
The pattern will be broken. God will save all of His people.
Radix In Flore (Root In Bloom) Pt.10
In order to do eschatology we need to do protology, the study of last things is parallel to and rooted in the first things
Four Hundred Years of Silence
Our first poem for this Christmas season talks about the 400 years of silence before Christ's birth.
Radix In Flore (Root In Bloom) Pt.8
Adam is a dead end with so much going for him at first and a host of potential fulfillments along the course of redemption history, but therein lies the mystery.
Pantoum of Love
The Pantoum of Love
Radix In Flore (Root In Bloom) Pt.7
We have an ill will in all things moral, voluntary yes, vile yes- “voluntile”, so in salvation we do truly slash must be “voluntold” to come.