
Featured Poem


What scene can't she capture with her pencil and art? She draws green and azure, the whole from the part. Her heart is full, like the sun, of light-beams and heat. To her wood desk

Featured Prose

Is the Government Response to Covid-19 Tyrannical?

We all agreed to shut our schools down, close our businesses, move our church services online, and wait for further notice from the government. These actions were definitely out of a sense of fear, believably out of love for our neighbours, probably out of a sense of patriotism, and possibly with anticipatory obedience.

The Christmas Contrast

The story of Christmas is one of stark contrast. In both the event of the Incarnation and the history of

Another casualty of 2020

I was recently made aware of the passing of a former schoolmate from Junior High. We attended the same grade and had some common friends, but we were not personally close.


Preacher: "Some of you are 'wonton!' You're like a 'whited sepulcher!' You may come to church on Sunday, bow your head and say your prayers Wednesday, but where are you 'wont to haunt' every other day?

The Valley: Conversion

O God You are a consuming fire, and we lying in our sins, in unchanged nature are stubble. Would it please You more to kill this sinner or save? Do You not have no pleasure in the death of the wicked?


What you fail to notice may be dangerous. The Christian life isn't meant to be one of solitude.

The Celt’s Friend

The moon shone in a soft glow of silver light as he made his way to the seashore. His little foot caught on a root making him stumble but he knew better than to cry out. The blood trickling down his knee made no impression on his childish face. He had a mission.

Bema Seat

— 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 "Now if any man builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each man’s work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the quality of each man’s work. If any man’s work which he has built on it remains, he will receive a reward. If any man’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire."

The Rebel’s Redemption

“Have you ever done something wrong to another human being?” Garth began quietly, “Something that, no matter how much ya wanted to, you could never take back?” He looked away. “If there is a God in heaven, I know for sure that He won’t want me anywhere near Him when the trumpet sounds.

Hope for Pretenders

Have you ever felt fake? Have you consistently felt like your profession of faith was not genuine? Have you ever examined yourself to see if you're in the faith? Should you maybe consider doing that?