Heaven’s Knife II
"Heaven's knife" is a phrase that I took from Josh Garrels a really talent Christian musician. This is my second poem on biblical marriage with the tittle .
"Heaven's knife" is a phrase that I took from Josh Garrels a really talent Christian musician. This is my second poem on biblical marriage with the tittle .
The tale of a king rat, and the salvation of his mischief. I think I suffer from musophobia...
The Promised Land is one of the main three themes in the Bible narrative.
The first part of a space of epic about the great land of Arthiom.
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. -James 1:27
I wrote this at a Canadian Tire while waiting for my car to be serviced. I was thinking about Liberalism and its first major appearance with the French Revolution.
We tell stories of great men who accomplished great things, and their names will never be forgotten.
Marriage is one of the greatest pictures of the Gospel.
One of the most fascinating families in history, the Julio-Claudians, the first emperors of Rome.
One can hear Christ's "it is finished" call throughout redemptive history.