Why injustice, abuse, cruelty? Why contradiction, incongruity? Why pain, turmoil, anguish? Why do we humans languish? What is so good about good health if it ultimately ends in our death.
Why injustice, abuse, cruelty? Why contradiction, incongruity? Why pain, turmoil, anguish? Why do we humans languish? What is so good about good health if it ultimately ends in our death.
Joshua Child from the chosen generation And God’s judgement on Canaan Trained by Moses on his mission He purged the promised land from pagans King David The man after God’s heart He who wears the royal ring He found Zion in part And turned it into the city of Kings Judas Maccabee A priest, a warrior, but no king He heard the cries of Zion When
“Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of Yahweh. He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.” -- Malachi 4:5-6
Why a face with eyes of azure? Staring gates of open pleasure. Why the sound of whistling, whining, soft and high, low and dying? Why the grasp of understanding with lips and tongue all underlying? Why smell's sense of familiarity, pleasant, pungent, and vulgarity? Why expression, eye brows, forehead? Written, scribbled, self-suggestive. Oh, the
(This is a poetic-didactic story similar to and inspired by John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and The Life and Death of Mr. Badman. I'm writing it primarily for my family, but would you like me to complete this and publish it? Please comment if you wish. Thank you. The Lord bless it to your hearing.). There
Where I've been, what I saw, where I want to be.
Oh Lord come quickly! Oh time draw near! We bear our cross through trials severe.
What's the most evil action you can think of? What would you call a person who commits that action for profit and for an ideology that they don't even understand because they don't believe there's a supernatural source of that ideology?
The Nine Worthies. The Pagans: Hector, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar. The Jews: Joshua, King David and Judas Maccabee. The Christians: King Arthur, Charlemagne and Godfrey of Bouillon.
You just confessed To a murder that you committed You’ve made a mess Your freedom has been forfeited...