Featured Prose
Every Child Matters
Disturbing News and Historical Reckoning In late May of 2021, the disturbing news broke of 215 child remains discovered at a former Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia. This news comes after several years
Featured Poems
Disapproved, debased mind; dishonorable, defiling passions. These things biblically define what's inside gays n' lesbians. God offers undeniable proof of
The Nine Worthies: The Jews
Joshua Child from the chosen generation And God’s judgement on Canaan Trained by Moses on his mission He purged the promised land from pagans
Inverted Thinking
Up isn't down. Black isn't white. Left isn't right. But have you started thinking about how life can feel so contradictory sometimes?
The Race of Man born of the earth Proud and hardened humankind So sinful from our very birth Corrupted heart and soul and mind Abide we in our realm of sod Delight we in our frame of clay Dead in our deeds our spirits flawed Perfection came to make a
The New Normal
Its a brave new world, the year's nineteen-eighty-four, and the Fahrenheit's higher than its ever been be-451. The news speaks daily to the "raging" pandemic, so you can all live safely in a monitored planet. The worst kind of lies are the ones that seem true, and if you question
Spiritual Adultery
Idolatry and adultery are not so far from each other. Its the substitution of the Fountain of living waters for broken cisterns - absolutely useless - or your fountain of youth for mere illusions. They go hand in hand, both using images, and excite your expectations and ambitions. Once allured
From an Anti-Vaxxer
With what do you make a vaccine? Babies chopped up in a can. The doctors, so wise, they "immortalize" cells that just last their life span. With what do you make a vaccine? Thimerosal (that's mercury). The doctors, so wise, cause those lazy eyes, seizures, autism, A.D.D. With what do
Foreskins and Frontlets
They shut the door of the kingdom, they don't even go in. Woe! They go great lengths for one convert but he will burn much worse. Woe! They make unfounded distinctions, confounding oaths of men. Woe! Strain a gnat, swallow a camel: neglecting faith, tithing dill! Woe! They clean the
The Nine Worthies: The Jews
Joshua Child from the chosen generation And God’s judgement on Canaan Trained by Moses on his mission He purged the promised land from pagans King David The man after God’s heart He who wears the royal ring He found Zion in part And turned it into the city of Kings Judas Maccabee A priest, a warrior, but no king He
“Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of Yahweh. He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.” -- Malachi 4:5-6
Anatomy: Face
Why a face with eyes of azure? Staring gates of open pleasure. Why the sound of whistling, whining, soft and high, low and dying? Why the grasp of understanding with lips and tongue all underlying? Why smell's sense of familiarity, pleasant, pungent, and vulgarity? Why expression, eye brows, forehead?
The Gospeller
(This is a poetic-didactic story similar to and inspired by John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and The Life and Death of Mr. Badman. I'm writing it primarily for my family, but would you like me to complete this and publish it? Please comment if you wish. Thank you. The Lord bless