
Featured Prose

The Cost of Liberty

There is a general principle of life that has become increasingly important to me (especially over the past year): Almost nothing that is valuable can be acquired without a corresponding cost. I say “almost nothing”

Featured Poems

The Light Came Down

In the beginning, was the Light. But all was dark and cold. At the beginning for His delight, He summoned


Sovereign over the storm; maintaining the natural norm. Sovereign over the helm; ordering the affairs of men. Sovereign over the

Elias’ Random Thoughts

I know its hard but try to imagine growing up with homosexual attraction. Normally dudes would be looking at Jasmine but instead your drawn to Aladdin. "What's wrong with this? Why torment kids? Its their orientation! Don't give them fits." That's what the minority thinks, media and school boards on

Current Events: Tyranny

They foresaw its danger thus built a republic But they still took the writings on the wall for granted, Eventually “by the people, for the people” became a relic So Caesar seized the day and supreme control was granted!  They will speak of a greater evil And we will call

Some Days I Think

I can't think. This world's a blur. I hate their sickness. I hate their cure. Such was I, no amateur. I still hate their pretty package of manure. Sin is dumb. The world's stupid. Get out of my face, you're worthless. But then I'm reminded that Christians are salt and

Heaven Begun

Who could have ever imagined the depths He would descend? From His Father's home, Father's throne, angels' gaze, heaven's dome, down, down, to the nether regions, home of men and Legions. Humble, He, to shame the mighty; meek at heart, not sightly. Further still now descends He down, bearing cross,


Pensive, regrets and longing While a Will Reagan sings on the radio Only hanging on the thread of belonging Will you regain yourself at this ratio?  Time has passed since you last felt It has been ages since you last knelt  You turn the corner and arrive at your destination

The Cry of the New Nature

Like Paul of old I got life in my soul, put off the old, crucified to the world. This is definitive but there is the progressive, and with holiness I intend to be aggressive. I want to be purer than a Puritan, and dead to sin like perfect tense. My

The Nine Worthies: The Christians

King Arthur The legend of a perfect monarchy More than David and his mighty men The Engine of a perfect democracy Thus, ‘Twas too good to escape the pen  Charlemagne  His sword forged through Frankish fire King of the Franks, King of the Lombards A crown gained through a Frankish